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Health Services

Spring 2022 

I hope you are all doing well! A few reminders as we move into warmer weather! 

  • Aaaaaaa-chooooo!!! Spring allergies are here! Please consider starting your child on allergy medication NOW before the pollen really becomes a problem in April. 

    • My daughter's school nurse shared this trick - when you "spring forward" with the clocks, it's time to buy/start your spring allergy medicine!


  • Schools are required by Massachusetts General Law to provide health screenings for students (M.G.L. Chapter 71, Section 57 and 105 CMR 200.000) and follow up with the results of these screenings with families and referrals to primary health care providers as necessary. These annual screenings include vision, hearing, height/weight and postural.  *Parents/guardians may waive this screening by submitting a written request to the school nurse.  

If you have any questions before school, an on-call nurse will be available from 6am to 8am at 978-794-4842 on school days. Otherwise, please call or email me.

Please contact me with any questions!

Thank you!

Helen Fuller  


Kristen Aiello


HIPAA Compliance Information

Atkinson Elementary School 
111 Phillips Brooks Road
North Andover, MA 01845

978-557-7908 - School Nurse 
978-794-0124 - Main Office Phone
978-396-2955 - Main Office Fax

When should you keep your child home from school?
In addition to COVID exposure and symptoms, please remember the Reasons for Dismissal/Exclusion

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